Friday, July 28, 2017

C o l o u r A l c h i m i a workshop at ABADIR

What a beautiful experience of sharing colour with colour lovers!
This is what happened during the Colour Alchimia workshop at ABADIR - Accademia di Design e Arti Visive in Catania, Sicily, which took place from the 20 - 21 July, 2017. I am thrilled to share my story and the experience of teaching this workshop in the beautiful island, which makes it a unique place to be. It has this summer vibe near the Edna volcano.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

V E R D I G R I S / Colour of the Month #5

We are celebrating Colour of the Month #5!
While living in London and traveling abroad, I have always been curious about the pale green colour seen on rooftops and domes of various churches and traditional buildings. It creates a beautiful contrast with the architecture and city landscape.