Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Colour Alchimia at PAW . CHEW . GO

Hey colour lovers!
This is what happened during our Colour Alchimia workshop held in Milan during the Pawchewgo Festival from October 14th – 15th. 


Friday, July 28, 2017

C o l o u r A l c h i m i a workshop at ABADIR

What a beautiful experience of sharing colour with colour lovers!
This is what happened during the Colour Alchimia workshop at ABADIR - Accademia di Design e Arti Visive in Catania, Sicily, which took place from the 20 - 21 July, 2017. I am thrilled to share my story and the experience of teaching this workshop in the beautiful island, which makes it a unique place to be. It has this summer vibe near the Edna volcano.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

V E R D I G R I S / Colour of the Month #5

We are celebrating Colour of the Month #5!
While living in London and traveling abroad, I have always been curious about the pale green colour seen on rooftops and domes of various churches and traditional buildings. It creates a beautiful contrast with the architecture and city landscape. 


Wednesday, June 7, 2017


The DIY Colour Recipe Book tells the story and shares the recipes for making the Colour Provenance palette, made up of 8 ancient colours such as: Whiteshell, Saffron, Ochre, Verdigris, Malachite, Azurite, Mummy Brown and Lamp Black, colours that have been long lost and forgotten over time and replaced by synthetic alternatives.


Monday, March 6, 2017

W h i t e s h e l l / Colour of the Month #4

In March we're celebrating Whiteshell colour made from disposed eggshells! It's fascinating to know that eggshells were used for multiple purposes in Antiquity.  In Egypt, ostriches were quite used animals; the feathers for decoration, the eggs for food and the shells for ornamentation and pigment. I can say that holding an ostrich eggshell is a fascinating experience; admiring its colour, size, texture and hardness makes you think about the beauty in nature.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

C O L O U R P R O V E N A N C E / Colour of the Month #3

We are CELEBRATING colour and each month I will introduce a different colour palette and story. I will be presenting my project Colour Provenance, which is palette made up of eight ancient colours from the animal, plant and mineral world including Saffron: a golden colour; cave and primitive colours such as natural Ochres; first ever used green Malachite and blue Azurite and so many other fascinating stories and origins behind natural materials and colours. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

O C H R E / Colour of the Month #2

As we start the new year here is an update on new colour vibes! This month we are celebrating the deep-warm and vibrant Ochre colour. Also known as natural earth, soil and terra, which still is a big trend today. You may find inspiration and insight on how to apply this colour today, creating smart colour swatches and inspirational mood-boards! 


Thursday, January 26, 2017

S A F F R O N / Colour of the Month #1

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea have witnessed the most fascinating trade routes of spices and colour. Saffron is a spice that is extracted from the dried stigmas of thecrocus sativus, and has always been one of the world’s most costly substances.

Read more about the fascinating story behind this magnificent colour and a bonus recipe for you to try at home.