Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Arawetè+Textiles Vegetales project/ collection By LAURA DAZA

Laura Daza (, the project`s creative director with the
collaboration of Colombian photographer, Natalia Carrasco, developed the project in
Bogota, Colombia. Photography and Design were used as documentary and
conceptual tools for the story.

The Araweté Collection conveys a new conscious and natural style through the design of sustainable textiles and apparel for the contemporary woman. Moreover, the collection pursues to reinterpret, the cultural and the aesthetic indigenous background, from South American communities in a modern and chic way. We look forward on rescuing artisanal dyeing and painting techniques used in the development of our collection.


The inspiration for this project is the Brazilian indigenous Arawetè community. 
An Arawetè woman with the Achiote plant (Urucum) 

 Achiote plant (Urucum) used as a natural dye for the Arawetè project

The fabrics used for the Arawetè+Textiles Vegetales project/collection were white-recycled scraps and fabrics that were going to be disposed by someone else. We recycled and transform them by using different dyeing and wrapping techniques to give a new vibe!