Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Worship of Fashion / MoBA Biennale Arnhem

The MAKE Believe Exhibition at the MoBA Mode Biennale Arnhem, focused on the importance of fashion and how it is a ritual in our life. Its main theme was the 'The Worship of Fashion'.  

Designers such as Hans Demoed and Geert de Rooij, also known as the designers of The People of the Labyrinths (POTL) have taken a new direction for fashion; focusing on religion as a way to investigate our relationship with desirable brands, becoming a spiritual experience.

This mind-blowing exhibit took place in the Eusebius Cathedral, in the central area of Arnhem, with a multi-media installation, including artwork, photography, textiles, design and theater, which questioned the relationship between fashion and religion.

A splash of fluorescent colours could be seen, contrasting with the antique interiors of this cathedral. Also, on the display there are statues of saints and religious images with a a modern twist given by multi-coloured strokes. 

Photos: Laura Daza